Monday, January 9, 2012

Please Help Solve the Monk Seal Mystery

It's a known fact that I am an animal lover.  When I read this story by the Associated Press today it just sickened me, as I have seen Monk Seals on the beach in all their beauty.  While I don't want to go into details about the cruelty these animals face, I do want you to read the story so you are aware of what's happening. These animals are on their way to extinction, and if people continue to kill them for no reason that day will be here sooner than expected. 

Photo courtesy of AP Images


hawaii helicopter tours said...

That creature is so adorable. Hope they will take care of them good.

sm0s said...

I don't see why people would kill these beautiful creatures... I'm from the Big Island. I've seen monk seals possibly 3 times in my life. So beautiful, they need to be saved.

Lisa Goyne said...

Found your blog today by accident - AND it had a monk seal post. I've seen two monk seals in my life and love them both. Recently posted about one on my own blog -

Looking forward to following your Hawaiian adventure. Aloha!

countertops nc said...

They are God's gift. We dont have any right to kill them.